Our ship "Monarch of the Seas". The black rectangle is a tarp that protects the ship from the fumes of the ferry boats that we rode in to the island
Ensenada, Mexico...
This is "La Bufadora" which the guide told us means, Buffalo Snort. Cute, huh! Chelley and Lorraine saw it from the top, Bruce and David kayaked to it and enjoyed that very much. It sprayed way high to us at the top so it must have seemed way huge from sea level.
This is "La Bufadora" which the guide told us means, Buffalo Snort. Cute, huh! Chelley and Lorraine saw it from the top, Bruce and David kayaked to it and enjoyed that very much. It sprayed way high to us at the top so it must have seemed way huge from sea level.
Chelley and Lorraine enjoying the Pacific Ocean at La Bufadora.