Monday, March 31, 2008

Look at this!

Look what I can do! This picture came from my phone and for the record, the date is 31 March and spring started over a week ago! Who lives here in Utah and isn't tired of the snow this year? On the other hand, we need it, but it's still gotten tiresome.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I got tagged by eldest daughter Tiffany and that means I'm supposed to say 6 things about me? Okay, here goes:

1. I've been ward choir director for FOREVER! I'm about to lose my 4th accompanist but not until after our Easter non-program. We're only doing 3 songs because I was too busy teaching a hard song for ward conference last month to think about a program.

2. I am a graduate of North Miami Beach High School in south Florida class of 1978. That means I'm really old compared to most of my friends here.

3. Bruce and I are enjoying 27th anniversaries this year. 15 February was our first date, and 16 March was our engagement. On July 17 we'll be married 27 years. As a favorite comic strip says, "22 wonderful years and 5 that were just okay."
--- Coming up with 6 things about me is hard -----

4. My neighbors were discussing concerts they had been to as kids/teens and I realized that my first concert wasn't until I was 20. My mom didn't allow concerts of the pop/ rock variety (they were very dangerous in Miami). I went to symphony, ballet, even opera, but never a concert.

5. Like my oldest daughter, I too cry at american idol. I also cry for hallmark commercials.

and finally,
6. Despite being terrified of public speaking, I love being a substitute teacher for the Jr. and High schools in our area. I tell the kids it's because I live to torture teenagers. I do generally only teach classes I can help so that means music and art, Language arts and social studies. I never teach math and seldom science. If a subject uses numbers, all I'm good for is crowd control.

Okay, I'm done! Now I get to tag someone else..... how about my cute niece Katy Forsberg. Remember, you have to tell about you, not your kids.

By the way, I finished this on 27 March but the post date is the day I started it.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

We're productive

Well, we're all productive members of society now. I'm still working as a substitute teacher at the local jr. high and high schools, Bruce has his work that takes him on the road rarely now, Chelley is settled in at SuperCuts and getting good tips in addition to her hourly pay, and David has a job at the local movie theater currently in concessions. By the way, the caption on this picture is "working hard?"

David is still enjoying his percussion lessons and getting ready for his first band trip. They're going (big time) to Idaho for a 3 day trip the end of the month. Chelley is working full time and dating a cute boy named Landon.

With all this productivity, we are planning a fun vacation for this summer. Bruce and Lorraine will be going to Ft. Lauderdale for our niece Stephanie's Bat Mitzvah the end of August but school will already be started so we can't take the kids, so we decided that we will all go to California on August 1st. We'll start with Disney Land and then go on a little cruise. We're all really excited and just wish we didn't have to wait so long.